• European Commission


Results: 2020

  • Educational Programme

    Educa4all Project have developed a process with the implementation of Universal Acessibility and Design for All concepts in Architecture and Civil Engineering curricula as an end. This process starts with a self-assessment to know the starting situation of universities, followed by a training of trainers to ensure quality of implementation and adequate students training. Finally the Educational Program adapt its Study Plans by integrating new learning capacities on UA&D4ALL. 

    To make real this implementation in university curricula, the members of the Project have worked on defining the specific learning capacities. These competencies have been structured in the following groups: Basic Abilities, Humanistic Abilities, Urban Abilities, Construction and Systems Abilities, Projects Abilities and Cross Abilities. 

    Thus, in the document, a capacity matrix can be found which allows each university to analyse which of the determined competencies are covered by one or more taught subjects and which competencies are not yet considered in the study plan. 

    Furthermore, this methodology has been tested among Educa4all universities partners and its results can be found, as well as succes cases of other educational inputs have been detected as Experiential summer courses on Design and UA&D4ALL or Applied Research Projects.